The Practise - One on One - Course details
The Practise - One on One - Course details
The Practise Framework:
Creating and living a life by Design. We explore what a purposeful life looks like for you.
Over time you get to clearly understand the different areas of your life and what specific actions enhance and evolve them.
What comes next is an ever richer experience of what it means to create a life that works and to live with expanded capacity as you navigate the ebb and flow.
We embark on a 4-week, 4 session journey that explores tools and perspectives that enable men to cultivate capacity, navigate the ebb and flow and create a life by design
Good Stuff to know
Course Format - online
Men only (women on request)
Capacity - One on One Private session
Lead Facilitator - Mike Britton
Frequency - 1 session per week, 4 weeks
Session Duration - 90 minutes to 2 hours
Day of the week and time - Bespoke based on availability
Course Fee $1500 +GST
As part of the course you will have access to our online portal with a range of resources and tools.
Topics covered during the four sessions:
Design your life rhythm: A life schedule in integrity that reflects what is important to you
Navigating the ebb and flow: Life is not constant. Everything changes and for life to work both sides must exist. Realising this can be paradigm-shifting
Cultivating capacity: Nurturing our ability to respond to stimuli in a manner consistent with our values is a game changer. Increased capacity leads to a whole new experience of life
The Power of pillar practises: The big rocks, the oxygen masks and the activities that replenish us and remind us to keep it all in perspective
Its not about more: There is no need to take on more, be more busy or strive for anything. There is an opportunity for being effective, considered and aligned
Register interest here or contact the Shift founder Mike Britton on +61 438 13 15 17
After the Practise 4 week course
As a graduate of the practise, if you feel that you are up for deepening the work then you will be invited into the Pillars.
The Pillars is an ongoing program that supports you to implement, evolve and tweak your life by design rhythm.
The program is offered in both a small group and one on one environments.
You also journey with your very own pillars guide, the person in your corner as your support and accountability partner.